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How to Reduce Financial Risk with the Right Data
How to Reduce Financial Risk with the Right Data

When it comes to mitigating financial risks, organizations require information from outside of their four walls to make accurate predictions. Internal data provides insights based on historical information from within…

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How to Reduce Financial Risk with the Right Data

When it comes to mitigating financial risks, organizations require information from outside of their four walls to make accurate predictions. Internal data provides insights based on historical information from within…

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Banking, Risk Management, and AI

If you missed the fascinating “Banking, Risk Management, and AI” panel at the Ai4 virtual conference, read on for a quick summary of what was discussed. Understanding and managing risk…

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Should You Use ML To Predict Small Business Default Risk?

Small businesses looking for loans today have more choices than ever. Online providers are lowering barriers to entry, making it easier and faster to apply for credit. The trouble is,…

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To Really Know Your Customer, You Need A Risk Modeling Platform Fueled by External Data

By now, everyone and their dog has seen the true-crime thriller Dirty John on Netflix, but just in case you’re the exception, here’s a quick summary: smart, successful woman meets…

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Should You Be Using Traditional Credit Scores?

Credit scores have an enormous impact on people’s lives and opportunities. This makes it all the more worrying that the precise systems and methods used to calculate them are closely…

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What Happens When The Definition of Risk Changes?

Risk and probability are based on data. You establish the statistical risk of losing an investment based on other investments that didn’t work out. You assess whether someone is likely…

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How Dynamic Risk Modeling Gives Your Detection a Boost

It’s not an overstatement to say that detecting risk is a tough task, even with the best technology available. The changing face of fraud, supplier risks, cyber crimes, and a…

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Could Walter White and Marty Byrde Fool The Best Risk Models?

Crime doesn’t pay — any TV cop will tell you that much. But, what about their counterparts — those slick TV criminals that, season after season, manage to elude the…

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Fraud Has a Bigger Impact in Crises – Can You Afford to Sleep on It?

In normal times, fraud is a problem — albeit one that has steadily grown over the past few years. It’s for good reason, too. Fraud is big business, no matter…

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